Disaggregating Daily Precipitation Data 1990 to 2022 into Half-Hourly Intervals Using LSTM Models

This paper applies long short-term memory models to precipitation disaggregation. In particular, it shows promising results in the Australian context, reducing error compared to previous attempts by around 30%.

December 2024 · Harrison Oates, Nayan Arora, Hong Gic Oh, Trevor Lee

Theorem Provers: One Size Fits All?

This paper compares the Coq and Idris2 interactive theorem provers to provide a qualitative evaluation of their performance via a proof of the correctness of insertion sort. The paper’s key contribution is comparing these systems through a user experience lens, rather than purely the underlying logic upon which the system relies.

November 2023 · Harrison Oates, Geun Yun, Nikhila Gurusinghe